About Us
With 18 years of experience, we opened our doors in Vadi Istanbul with an ideal where treatments are carried out with the latest materials and technologies and physicians closely follow the latest articles.
Knowing that patient satisfaction is our most important goal in oral and dental health, we have adopted the principle of working without compromising the hygiene and sterilization rules of our clinic by using academically proven knowledge and the latest technologies in dentistry in diagnosis and treatment methods.
Vadident is committed to providing open, honest, reliable, and highest-quality oral and dental health services that respect human dignity, without compromising scientific, conscientious, and ethical principles. It is determined to be an institution that is remembered for the good it does, that is aware of its responsibility towards society, and that constantly develops and renews itself to contribute to the profession of dentistry. Dentists and staff will always prioritize the meaning, importance, and sanctity of their work for humanity. It is a candidate to be a reputable oral and dental health center that is accepted as a reference not only in our country but also worldwide with its service approach that focuses on patient satisfaction.
You can reach us Monday / Friday 09:30 – 19:30, or Saturday 09:00 – 17:00 by calling +90 212 801 8267 or via the Online Appointment section.